2024 Director's Message
It is no secret that our nation is in a state of moral decay. In Romans 1:30a as Paul addressed a slew of moral issues faced in the first century, he mentions that some were "inventors of evil" (ESV). Every day, it seems, there are new extremes to which people are willing to go, a new level of evil being reached. A degree of wickedness we may have thought we never see.
Often when discussing these issues one may say, "I don't see anything wrong with... " This is, in fact, the theme for this year's lectureship. Those are the six most dangerous words one can utter when dealing with moral issues. The Word of God is abundantly clear on all the issues the church faces today. The only way for our nation to improve is if Christians remain true to God's Word and teach others to do the same (I Corinthians 6:9-11).
With these things in mind, our hope for this lectureship is to shed light on the sins that we face today. More than that, we want to offer advice and practical suggestions to overcome these sins as well as advice on how to approach those struggling with them.
Our hope and prayer is that this lectureship will uphold the teachings of God, offer loving correction, and encourage us to be more faithful to God (2 Timothy 4:2).
Renn Ferguson, Director